[Job story] Richard Scott talks about his story in Redhead Equipment

Richard Scott began work with Redhead Equipment in ’99 as a service technician. He left the company only to return a year later as the CE Shop Foreman. He then became the Ag division Service Manager when the company took over the new building and 2 years later because the Service Operations Manager for the Saskatoon branch.

When asked to describe his role as if to a child, Richard says its “Kind of like being a parent I guess, managing the people in the shops and ensuring work is being completed. I have 4 really good Foreman that help me in each division that I oversee and help me and I help them in each area.” We asked Richard about some of the challenges of his role and he said “keeping everyone happy, from upper management, to the people on the ground can be challenging.” When asked what the biggest reward is, he said working at Redhead is a reward, “the company is very accommodating to your personal lifestyle and I really appreciate that.”

When asked what he thinks of our tag line “Whatever It takes” he said “I think it’s always been a part of our brand even before it was our tagline. A while back, there was a paver that was down once, and we needed a part. I got the answer, the part was stuck in customs in Calgary, and I was on the phone for over 2 hours trying to figure out why, and it was a fax to release the part that got lost. After getting the part released, I got hold of
our pilots, and they went to Calgary and picked up the part and flew it to Saskatoon for the customer. When I called a cab to transport the part to the airport, and they wouldn’t take my credit card over the phone, so I ended up calling a limo service and they picked up the part and drove it the 4 blocks down the street to the airport. After all of that we did get the unit up and running that night;” sharing an example of how at Redhead we do Whatever It
Takes for our customers in need.

Richard also mentioned that the great people and work environment make coming to work enjoyable and the company accommodating to employee needs on and off the job is very valuable.

What advice would you give someone starting a career with Redhead Equipment?

Work to the best of your ability. Don’t be afraid to make a mistake, own it, admit it, move on and learn from it.

Tell me something interesting about working at Redhead Equipment.

I was on the Case Service Advisory Board for a few years and got to travel all over the United States and meet other smaller locations and other Service Managers and Service People.

What do you find yourself doing in your free-time?

I read and catch up on news, or I’m usually driving kids to sports.

Source: Redhead Equipment