Evolution Wheel is known as a leader in manufacturing top-quality, severe-duty skid steer tires. The EWRS-AT series solid skid steer tire is made for severe duty, all-terrain applications. This tire is designed for skid steer operators working in off-road conditions requiring reliable tires with incredible traction.
Evolution Wheel knows how frustrating flat tires and machine downtime can be on the job site. So, they developed a tire specifically to tackle these issues.
Evolution Wheel takes the research and development stage seriously. Their products are put through rigorous testing, to make sure they produce the best tire for the job. The EWRS-AT series is engineered for severe duty applications where longevity, traction, and reliability are the biggest concerns. To do this, they investigated optimizing the tread design.
Skid steer tires often have a wear bar in the center of the tread that provides stability to the small lugs. The problem is that a tire’s wear bar significantly reduces traction when the tire reaches 25%-50% of its life. Evolution Wheel saw this and increased the lugs on the EWRS-AT to 2.5” width and 52/32” wearable tread depth. Increasing the lug’s width and height enables them to eliminate the need for a center wear bar and increase longevity. In addition to a longer life span, it allows for more space between the lugs for better cleanout and traction.
Along with the superior tread design, Evolution Wheel wanted to make sure that the EWRS-AT provided a smooth ride.
They achieved this by incorporating core geometry in the rubber. Core geometry refers to the apertures in the rubber that allow the rubber to flex. The unique geometry of these apertures allows the tire to compress like a pneumatic without the bounce they often have. This makes the tire much more stable when carrying loads.
One of Evolution Wheels’ biggest features on their tires is that they are segmented. The tire segments are bolted onto the rims allowing the operator to easily service the tire. On the off chance, a lug is damaged, the operator can remove that segment and attach another with only a wrench in their back pocket. This will minimize downtime on the job site.