Karolyn Zurn, the President of American Agri-Women, has released a new update about Executive Order. Here is the full-text.
American Agri-Women (AAW), President, Karolyn Zurn views this Executive Order as one more blessing for American Agriculture and all Americans.
This order not only cuts red tape, but it also provides a clear path for agencies such as the Bureau of Interior, Environmental Protection Agency, and the Army Corp of Engineers to work with United States agriculture.
This order provides jobs, water infrastructure, transportation on rivers and inland waterways, and water forecasting.
This project will offer clarity to agriculture, especially those that rely on the Colorado River for irrigation and the Mississippi Delta working with the Gulf of Mexico Nutrient Task Force. Florida’s flood and restoration projects throughout the Everglades have been in progress for many years, mired in red tape will now be able to move forward.
This project will work directly with the Environmental Protection Agency to provide a clean, safe water source for Americans across the board.
As American Agri-Women we #STANDUPSPEAKOUT4AG and are an ongoing “Voice for Truth About Agriculture.” We see a great future for agriculture.
Source: American Agri-Women