CNH is committed to advancing the noble work of farming and prioritizes customer-inspired innovation to ensure solutions that meet the needs of all hardworking growers and builders. This includes serving customers who are living with disabilities.
The company’s work with Brazilian farmer Fernando Dalmolin is testament to this approach. In 2022, he suffered an accident leaving him with lower limb disabilities. Curitiba, Brazil New Holland Agriculture plant collaborated with him to develop the TL5 ‘Acessível’.
“This is just what people with disabilities like mine need to be able to work independently in the field. I am very happy and excited to be a part of this ground-breaking project,”
said Fernando.
A recent national health survey reported that there are 7.8 million people with lower limb disabilities in Brazil. Many of these people live in rural communities and could benefit from this innovation.
“With the launch of this accessible tractor, we want to empower people. It is not just a question of making new technology available in the agricultural machinery market, but also enabling people with disabilities to carry out their occupations with independence,”
added Paulo Máximo, Director of Commercial Marketing for New Holland Agriculture Latin America.