Agricultural Retailers Association President Releases New Statement

Agricultural Retailers Association (ARA) President and CEO Daren Coppock released the following statement in response to the continuing resolution (CR) released by U.S. House of Representatives Democrats extending funding for government operations through Dec. 11:

“The CR expressly excludes a provision to ensure 2018 Farm Bill farm and conservation programs will be able to continue uninterrupted beyond the Fiscal Year 2020. For decades, USDA’s Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC) has been regularly replenished to fund programs integral to the farm safety net that Congress has worked tirelessly to craft.

“Producers count on programs like Agriculture Risk Coverage, Price Loss Coverage, Dairy Margin Coverage, Marketing Assistance Loans, conservation programs, and many others as they provide food, fuel, and fiber for our nation.

“Farmers and those who provide them credit, including retailers, banked on predictable and promised farm programs. Failure to replenish CCC will pull the rug from under those budgets and financing arrangements.

“ARA urges the House to make amendments to the CR to avoid disruptions to the CCC before passage.”