Now that children are home it’s a great opportunity for them to learn more about Cotton and other ag commodities. The California Foundation for Agriculture in the Classroom is a nonprofit organization dedicated to educating youth throughout California about the importance of agriculture in their daily lives. Their mission is to increase awareness and understanding of agriculture among California’s educators and students. They do so through the following:
• Developing materials that are accurate, teacher-tested and scientifically sound to enhance the educational experience of K-12 students.
• Providing programs, inspiration and training opportunities for educators.
• Partnering with like-minded organizations to create awareness about the significance of agriculture in our everyday lives.
• Recognizing teachers and students for their achievements in agricultural literacy.
• Supporting the pursuit of agricultural careers and continuing education.
Fact sheets are one of their most popular resources and are designed to be easily printed and copied for teachers to use in their classrooms. The back of the Fact Sheet includes lessons that meet California State Content Standards and activities that teachers can bring to life simply by reviewing the front page and sharing the lesson with their students.
Source: CCGGA – California Cotton Ginners and Growers Association