Horsch presents new Products

Power and cost savings are important decision-making factors when choosing the right sowing method. Depending on the soil, crop rotation, and vegetation, there are various options for selecting the right drilling technique based on the individual requirements of the company. Due to the increasing droughts, direct sowing and StripTill methods are becoming increasingly important in modern arable farming. Processing narrow strips with integrated fertilizer placement and exact sowing also have many advantages.

Courtesy of horsch.com
  • Previous crop residues ensure that the soil dries out more slowly
  • Protection against erosion by organic residues on the surface of the soil
  • Humus build-up
  • Improved water balance
  • Increased earthworm activity through targeted, reduced tillage
  • The seed horizon is cleared of previous crop residues
  • As a result, the soil closure for the seed improves
  • This leads to better field emergence under dry conditions

The HORSCH Focus is not only impressive when sowing row crops such as maize or beet, the strengths of the StripTill also come to the fore when it comes to cereals, but above all when rapeseed is sown. With rapeseed, we see a clear increase in yield, since root growth is very positively influenced by the targeted deep tillage and the attractiveness of the fertilizer, so that dry period can be survived.

Focus 4 TD. Courtesy of horsch.com

For more than 10 years, HORSCH has been building the Focus series, which has evolved over the years to meet a wide range of requirements and customer requirements and can be adapted to a wide range of equipment thanks to a wide range of equipment options.

The main features of the Focus family include deep soil loosening with targeted fertilizer placement and exact sowing combined in just one operation. Proven HORSCH components from seed and tillage machines have been installed. So you reduce your crossings, protect your soil, but above all you keep important moisture in the ground. The HORSCH Focus series is available from 4 to 7 meters working width, the long-awaited 3 meter version will be launched in autumn 2020.

The different operations of the Focus are divided as follows:

Zone I – TerraGrip tines

Deep soil loosening and the targeted placement of fertilizer under the seed rows enable optimal root development.
The fertilizer can be placed in one or two different depths of soil.
The clearing of harvest residues from the root area and the transport of moist soil into the germ horizon also ensure ideal seed conditions.

Deep soil loosening and targeted fertilizer placement with ULD Plus coulters. Courtesy of horsch.com

Zone II – tire packer

The proven HORSCH tire packer with 12 layers for extra long service life ensures targeted, in-depth reconsolidation.
The resulting soil closure leads to optimal seedbed preparation in front of the coulters.
The high tires with a diameter of 100 cm ensure optimum passage even on the lightest of floors and avoid material being pushed open in front of the packer.

HORSCH tire packer Ø 100 cm. Courtesy of horsch.com

Zone III – leveling

The right leveling option for the Focus depends on the soil to be worked.

Disc leveling Ø 46 cm. Courtesy of horsch.com
Crumb leveling. Courtesy of horsch.com

Depending on the setting, the pane leveling can either form small dams or level the surface. This variant is particularly recommended in light locations. Flour leveling is recommended for medium to heavy soils. This produces additional fine earth so that the seed gets the best possible connection to the capillary water.