How to help Agromatic and the entire dairy industry during Covid-19

We already knew farmers are essential long before the U.S. Department of Homeland Security recently deemed it so. Just as dairy was making a comeback after years of falling milk prices, COVID-19 has caused milk prices to freefall once again. Now, more than ever, farmers need our help.

Consuming dairy products provides nutrients that are vital to your overall health! Dairy is an excellent source of protein, potassium, vitamin D and is American’s number one source of calcium.

Dairy isn’t just a healthy and delicious food group – it contributes significantly to the American economy. The dairy industry accounts for 1% of the U.S. Gross Domestic Product, generating an economic impact of $628 billion while creating nearly 3 million U.S. jobs.

Since the stay-at-home order has been put in place grocery sales of dairy products have increased. However, a majority of milk processing plants service the restaurant industry, schools, as well as other food services. The surplus of milk, cheese and butter has dairymen dumping their milk down the drain.

How can you help the dairy industry?

If you are able, you should.

  • Continue to buy dairy products at the grocery store.
  • Support local restaurants offering carry-out orders.
  • Contact your local food pantry to see what items they need! Milk is one of the top requested items from many food pantries.
  • Send your local farmer a thank you note! A little appreciation and encouragement in tough times can go a long way.

Farming is a 24-hour a day, 7-day per week job. Thank you to everyone on the farm, and all those in the supply chain to the grocery store, who are working hard to keep us all fed!

DAIRY IS Essential: Stay Strong, Stay Healthy and Support our Farmers!

Source: Agromatic