Aerobotics offers services in accordance with Covid-19 restrictions

As we all continue to navigate the uncertainty of COVID-19, Aerobotics customers, employees and partners remain their top priority. Here are the steps they are taking to support their community while providing continuity of service at all times.

Serving their customers

They believe that their role serving customers is a critical one and they want to make sure that their customers continue to get the best service possible.

The Aerobotics team is here to provide you with intelligent tools to inform your farming decisions. They are still fully operational in the following areas:

  • Drones are still flying and collecting data around the world.
  • Processing departments and systems are still operating and as always, delivering high-quality data and farm analytics to our users.
  • Business development and technical assistance departments are still available either to meet in person or remotely. This is entirely up to the preference of their customers.

Precautions being taken (Aerobotics Team)

When visiting farms or attending meetings with clients, their team will be taking the following protective measures as recommended by the WHO (World Health Organization).

  • Hands will be washed before, during and after the visitation
  • Social distancing will be maintained at approximately 3 feet/1 metre
  • No visits will be made by a team member showing signs of coronavirus

Precautions being taken (Drone Pilots)

Fortunately, no physical contact is required between farmers and drone pilots.

Pilots will continue to work independently on farms and only need to speak to farmers on the phone in order to arrange access.

In the case that personal contact is required, the same precautions that apply to the Aerobotics Team (seen above) will apply.

Community support

Aerobotics is here to support you in both the good and tough times.

They recognize that being away from family and friends during this time can be difficult. Please reach out to their team if they can be of service and provide you with a sense of certainty during these uncertain times. They have boots on the ground in all the places listed in the contact details section below.

Caring for their employees

To prevent the spread of the virus and do their part to ensure the health of the team, Aerobotics global employees will be working remotely until further notice.

Aerobotics employees that are showing signs of the coronavirus will receive the support they need in order to return to good health without the worry of lost income.

While all domestic and international travel has been put on hold, their global team has the capacity to visit clients’ farms within respective areas.

Their Client Success Team has been briefed on precautionary measures.

Global contact details

While their offices are currently closed, please make use of the below contact details to get in touch with the North america department.

North America

Chris Lawson


Cell: +1 209 471 0662

Greg Land

Email: +1 772 584 9762

Source: Aerobotics